Tips & Tricks
Here are some tips and tricks for driving a delivery service:
Did you know you can see some of your key delivery metrics right in the Amazon Delivery App? Check out the ‘Your Dashboard’ tab in the Delivery App menu, which is noted by three horizontal lines in the top left-hand corner. There, you can view your weekly performance metrics, including Safety, Delivery Quality, & Customer Delivery Feedback data. You’ll also find tips to improve specific metrics, if you need them.
- Plan your route in advance: Before you start your shift, it's a good idea to plan out the most efficient route to take to deliver all of your packages. This can help you save time and fuel, and ensure that you arrive at each destination on time.
- Stay organized: Keep your vehicle clean and organized so that you can easily find and grab the packages you need to deliver.
- Follow traffic laws: It's important to always follow traffic laws and pay attention to your surroundings while driving, especially when you are in unfamiliar areas or busy traffic.
- Use a GPS: A GPS can be helpful for finding your way to each destination and avoiding traffic.
- Keep your vehicle well-maintained: Make sure to regularly check your vehicle's oil, brakes, tires, and other important maintenance items to ensure that it is running smoothly and safely.
- Stay hydrated and take breaks: It's important to take care of yourself while on the job. Make sure to drink plenty of water and take breaks as needed to stay hydrated and energized.
- Be courteous and professional: Remember to always be courteous and professional when interacting with customers, and make sure to handle their packages with care.
By following these tips, you can help ensure a smooth and successful delivery service experience for both you and your customers.
- When delivering, try to avoid reversing or entering driveways if you can. If there is no safe place to park on the street out of the flow of traffic, then use the driveway. Only pull in forward if you know you will have a way to turn around, without reversing back out. Otherwise, reverse into the driveway only as far as needed at a low speed and then walk the rest of the way. This allows you to pull forward back onto the road, keeping you safe and reducing your chances of bumping into objects like mailboxes, gardens, other parked cars, etc.
- Want to make delivering even more seamless? Here's a pro tip.
Don't forget to scan every package before delivering. If you don't scan the package at the time of delivery, you won’t be able to mark the delivery status as complete. If you try to complete the delivery without scanning the package, you'll need to contact 'Driver Support' in order to change the package status to 'delivered', so the delivery can be marked complete in the Delivery App. *
- This holiday season, as there are more people out and about, be sure to reduce your speed in busy areas and neighborhoods, keeping music in your vehicle to a low volume, and scanning left to right as you drive to help you be more aware of your surroundings.
- Be sure to
download the latest version of offline Maps to your Amazon Delivery Devices so that you are able to keep delivering if your device loses connectivity. Offline Maps are automatically downloaded by logging into the Amazon Delivery App while connected to WiFi. To download manually or to confirm which offline Maps are currently on the delivery device, check out this Resource Guide.
- Driving in the snow or in winter conditions can feel very different than driving in ideal conditions. Be aware that speed limits are designed for ideal conditions – so if the roads are wet or snowy, travel well below the speed limit.
- Don't forget you're required to have a physical copy of your driver’s license at all times while delivering on behalf of Amazon. If you drive a Department of Transportation (DOT)-regulated vehicle like a step van or box truck, you must also carry a physical or electronic copy of your medical examiner’s certificate, also referred to as a DOT medical card. Your driver’s license and DOT medical card may contain restrictions that require you to wear corrective lenses at all times while operating a vehicle. If this applies to you, be sure to always wear your corrective lenses, both for your safety and to remain in compliance while delivering. Thanks for all you do to deliver safely.
- Introducing 1-Click Exit (1CE): DA's are sometimes unable to exit
1-Click Access-enabled properties
when trying to complete Key for Business Deliveries. While infrequent, these situations occur when stops lack automated sensors that let the driver and the vehicle exit (e.g. requiring a key-fob to open the access point). To help address this, we launched 1-Click Exit (1CE) on November 15. Drivers can now self-service these situations directly in the Delivery App by selecting ‘Exit Property’ in ‘Swipe to Finish,’ ‘Completed Itinerary,’ or the Hamburger Menu (noted by three horizontal lines in the top left-hand corner)
- DAs conducting Key for Garage deliveries will be asked to verify the last two digits of the customer’s phone number when selecting “Handed to Customer.” As you know, Key for Garage deliveries provide customers with a secure delivery, eliminating issues with package theft, weather damage, and other concerns. This extra validation when hand-delivering a package to a customer satisfies our secure delivery promise.
- Don’t forget to follow the
proper parking sequence
at every stop to prevent rollaway accidents. Engage the parking brake, set the vehicle in park, turn it off, and take the keys with you. If a vehicle does start to roll, prioritize your safety and don’t try to stop it. It’s not worth putting yourself at risk.
- Want an easy way to be sure delivery points are as accurate as possible for you and your fellow drivers? Here's a pro move: when you ‘swipe to finish’ a delivery, you should do so right where you deliver the package, like the front porch, garage, or wherever the Delivery Notes indicate. If this ‘swipe to finish’ process occurs away from the actual delivery point, like at the delivery vehicle, it can make the location more difficult to find in the future. Your future self and fellow DAs will thank you!
- Do you ever encounter challenges delivering envelopes to Amazon Lockers? Here’s a pro tip: if you ever have
trouble shutting the Locker door, or if the door keeps opening during your delivery, be sure to angle the envelope package on its side. This way, the Locker sensor detects the package, allowing the door to securely shut. Check out this guide with more tips and best practices!
- At every single stop, don’t forget to follow the
safe parking sequence to prevent rollaway accidents. Every time you park, pull the emergency brake, set the vehicle in park, turn it off, and take the keys with you. Not only does this help prevent rollaway accidents, but locking up every time can prevent vehicle theft, as well. Remember, your safety is our top priority – so if a vehicle starts to roll or is otherwise compromised, prioritize your safety first and don’t try to stop it.
- Speed limits are considered as a part of your routes each day, so please remember
not to rush by speeding in between stops. For your safety, always drive at or below the posted speed limit and maintain appropriate following distance between vehicles (1 car length for every 10 mph you're traveling in ideal conditions, e.g., 5 car lengths at 50 mph. This should be doubled in less-than-ideal conditions, such as wet weather). Thanks for helping prevent accidents on road!
- As a reminder, unless completing a Key for Garage delivery,
Delivery Associates (DAs) should never enter a customer's home. Even if a customer requests indoor delivery or provides an access code or other instruction to enter their home in the Delivery Notes, the DA should attempt to contact the customer to determine a safe location to deliver the package outside the residence. If they can't get in touch with the customer, they should contact 'Driver Support' for assistance.
- While we know that many
pets, we encounter throughout the day are friendly, we must always remain vigilant should we come across a pet that isn’t. Be sure you park within 50 yards of the delivery location. Remember to look around for any dog clues like leashes, chew toys or water bowls indicating that dogs are present. You can announce your presence by honking the vehicle horn or jingling your keys.
- Be aware of dogs
and practicing safe pet engagement behaviors as you deliver. Milder temperatures mean there may be more people outdoors, walking and playing with dogs when DAs make deliveries. As a best practice, before exiting the vehicle, DAs should look for signs of dogs and check the Delivery Notes in the Amazon Delivery App for the paw print icon, which indicates a dog may be present, if we’re aware of one at that address. Also, if a DA arrives at a stop and sees an unsecured dog, encourage them to contact the customer and ask them to secure the dog. If they can’t reach the customer and can’t make the delivery, be sure drivers know to contact Driver Support to let them know, as no delivery is more important than your safety.
- For your safety, all packages must be stored in the cargo area of your delivery vehicle and should never be placed on your passenger seat or dashboard. Properly securing packages prevents distractions, maximizes visibility, and reduces the risk of packages shifting while the vehicle is in motion. Thanks for prioritizing your safety!
- Distracted driving is a key safety risk for all drivers. Being aware of your surroundings is even more important when there is an increase of pedestrians, bicycles, and school busses around, like during back-to-school season. It helps to turn music down to stay even more focused on your surroundings, especially in areas with heavy pedestrian traffic like school parking lots, playgrounds, and neighborhoods.
- Slips, trips, and falls are one of the most common causes of injuries while making deliveries. For your safety on road and in station, Amazon requires slip-resistant footwear, and we’re making it easy for you to get yours. All active DAs receive $125 store credit and discounts if you order your uniform-compliant footwear through Zappos. This discount is designed to cover most, if not your entire, new shoe order.
- As you enter and exit the delivery vehicle hundreds of times throughout the workday, we want to help keep you safe from theft this month and beyond. At every stop, remember to lock your vehicle and take the keys with you. Never try to personally stop someone if they attempt to steal the delivery vehicle. Instead, prioritize your safety, dial 911, and then contact us via the ‘Emergency Help’ button in the Delivery App. No delivery is worth compromising your safety.
- Before and after your shift, be sure to
inspect your delivery vehicle for defects and damage, including ensuring the air conditioning (A/C) functions properly. During warmer months, it’s particularly important to check that the A/C has good air flow and is blowing cool air. If not, please let me or our Station Team know right away.
- As you know,
following the customer Delivery Notes is a great way to receive “thumbs up” feedback for a great customer experience. This includes ringing the doorbell when making a delivery if the customer indicates their preference for you to do so, as outlined in the Delivery Notes, so the customer knows when their package has arrived. Thanks for all you do to ensure a positive customer experience!
- Sometimes you may encounter
Customer Notes
that are abusive, inappropriate, or derogatory in the Amazon Delivery App. If you encounter these, you can share the tracking ID (TBA number) with me or anyone on my management team, so we can let Amazon know and they can delete the Notes. Once we submit this information to Amazon, they work to fix it and provide a status update within seven business days! The next time you encounter an inappropriate Customer Note, be sure to let me know so we can get it corrected. As always, please don't make a delivery if you feel unsafe.
- If you contact a
customer about their delivery, it’s a best practice to introduce yourself, state your first name, and let them know that you are delivering their Amazon package, so the customer knows why you’re contacting them. Remember not to discuss personal information with the customer, such as asking them to confirm their name or address or have a conversation unrelated to the customer’s delivery. Thanks for helping to ensure customers feel safe and comfortable while you’re delivering!
- We know you sometimes experience issues closing
garage doors while making Key deliveries. To make this easier, Amazon is creating an update that will automatically close the garage 7 minutes after it is opened. Please be sure you’ve completed your delivery and have exited the garage, which will flash and beep prior to closing. While you should continue to maintain line of sight to the garage and ensure the garage door is closed before continuing your route, you can contact ‘Driver Support’ if you experience any issues.
of One-Time Password for Certain Deliveries
Beginning February 13, 2023, we will launch One-Time Password (OTP) functionality for all U.S. Delivery Service Partners (DSPs). OTP is a secure delivery method for deliveries of high value and high-risk items that require the customer to retrieve the package in-person after providing a six-digit password to the Delivery Associate (DA).
With this new process, the customer will receive the password via email and text as soon as the package is marked ‘Out for Delivery.’ If the customer cannot locate the password at the time of delivery, the driver will have the ability to re-send the password to the customer through the Amazon Delivery App by selecting ‘Help Customer Find One-Time Password.’ The DA can also use the last two digits of the customer phone number if they cannot retrieve the password. Note that when we tested this last year, DAs found the workflow to be intuitive and easy to follow.
What if the customer does not have the password? On the screen where the password is entered, there is a drop-down option, ‘Help Customer Find One-Time Password’ in the Amazon Delivery App, which will guide them through helping the customer locate the password. If the customer cannot retrieve the password, the DA will be prompted to provide the last two digits of the customer’s phone number after three unsuccessful entry attempts.
What happens if the customer is not there to provide the password? The DA should contact the customer following the prompts in the Amazon Delivery App. If there is no response, the DA should mark the package as ‘Unable to Deliver’ in the Delivery App and return the package to the station.
What if the person who answers the door is not the person who placed the order and does not have the password? If the person who placed the order is not home to retrieve the delivery, the password can be provided by someone else in the home. If no one can provide the password or last two digits of the customer’s phone number, the DA should mark the package as ‘Unable to Deliver’ and return the package to the station.
Q4. Can the customer give the password to the driver via phone call and ask them to leave it at the door? No; these deliveries will require the customer to provide the password in-person before they are able to receive the package. These packages should be returned to station and re-attempted if the password or last two digits of the customer’s phone number cannot be verified in person.
Q5. Can anyone who has the correct password be given the package? Yes, the customer may share the password with a person who is home to retrieve the delivery.
- Want an easy way to be sure delivery points are as accurate as possible for you and your fellow drivers?
Here's a pro move: when you ‘swipe to
finish’ a delivery, you should do so right where you deliver the package, like the front porch, garage, or wherever the Delivery Notes indicate. If this ‘swipe to finish’ process occurs away from the actual delivery point, like at the delivery vehicle, it can make the location more difficult to find in the future. Your future self and fellow DAs will thank you!
- As the days get shorter and the sun sets earlier, be sure to check the Delivery Notes while you are still in your vehicle so you can be fully focused on your surroundings after exiting. Remember: your well-being is our #1 priority – you can always return to station or contact 'Emergency Help' if you need additional support.
No delivery is worth compromising your personal safety on road. *
- In cold weather, it’s important to
take more frequent breaks to rest and ensure you’re staying warm, so please remember to take your existing 30-minute and two 15-minute rest breaks. As a reminder, these are not designed to shorten your time on road, and I don’t want you to rush to finish early. Instead, please use break minutes to stay warm and hydrated throughout your day. If at any point cold weather makes you feel unsafe, let me know and report it through the ‘Emergency Help’ button in your Delivery App. *
- Remember, there are two 15-minute rest breaks and a
30-minute meal break built into your route each day, and we want you to take every minute of them! When you’re ready to take a break, visit the ‘Breaks’ page in the Amazon Delivery App to start and stop your break time. Did you know this page will also show you nearby gas stations, restaurants, and restrooms? Use this feature if you need a spot to cool off or refuel! Your safety and well-being are my top priority.
- Historically, your DAs have submitted all feedback via a free-form text box in the Amazon Delivery App. With this change, we will transition to a new and improved channel with thumbs up/thumbs down features and multiple-choice questions that can quickly be entered through the App. While feedback topics will be introduced via a phased approach over the next several months and into next year, your
DAs will be able to submit Maps feedback and Paw Print Icon requests effective immediately.
- To help reduce DAs’ eye strain when delivering at night and make the transition easier between the bright screen and the dark road, we’re introducing
Dark Mode in the Delivery App. DAs can select device display settings from Automatic (Sunset to sunrise or Custom schedule), Light (Light theme is always on), and Dark (Dark theme is always on). This change improves readability of the Delivery App and reduces eye strain of having to go back and forth between a bright screen and a dark road. To activate Dark Mode in the Delivery App, be sure to have your DAs enable ‘Automatic’ or ‘(always) Dark Mode’ in your device settings. Access to this feature will vary depending on whether your DAs operate on an Android or iOS device:
Android Devices
- Go to ‘Settings’, then tap ‘Display’
- Select ‘Dark’ to turn on Dark Mode
- To turn Dark Mode on automatically at sunset or at a specific time, go to ‘Dark Mode Settings’ and turn on as scheduled.
iOS Devices
- Go to ‘Settings’, then tap ‘Display & Brightness’
- Select ‘Dark’ to turn on Dark Mode
- To turn Dark Mode on automatically at sunset or at a specific time, go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Display & Brightness’ and select ‘Automatic’. Then tap ‘Options’ to set a schedule for Dark Mode.
3. Speed limit inaccuracies that are displayed in the Amazon Delivery App can now be updated. You can work with your teams to identify and provide the stop number they were driving to select the ‘On-road navigation defect’ button via the form above and choose ‘Speed limit was incorrect’. Once we receive your submission, we will validate the correct speed limit in our maps to ensure that your routes are planned more accurately.
4. To ensure we continue to deliver the highest standard of customer delivery quality, we have introduced a new ‘Driver Support’ chat
feature (Driver Chat), available directly in the Amazon Delivery App, helping make sure your DAs don’t have to use multiple programs or applications to receive package-level support while delivering.
You will have the option to chat with a Driver Support associate in the Delivery App, in addition to calling. They can access Driver Chat by selecting the navigation bar (denoted by 3 horizontal lines) or Help icon (denoted by a ‘?’) > selecting ‘Driver Support’ > specifying their on-road issue/package information from a menu of options > selecting ‘Chat Support’. From there, a Driver Support associate will join the chat to begin resolution of the on-road issue.
5. To improve the customer experience and the delivery experience for your teams, we’re updating the Amazon Delivery App to increase delivery point accuracy, even if the device is offline. Now, if your
DAs are operating in “offline mode” or don’t have service on the Delivery App, the device will still notify them if they try to make a delivery outside of the delivery area, just as if they were online. If DAs believe they are at the correct location, they can either correct the Geofence by moving the pin on Android devices or go to the Help menu and select “GPS is not working, I’m at the address” on iOS devices. This will enable DAs to complete the delivery and move on to the next stop. Please inform your teams that this feature will dial-up across the network starting this week through October.
6. We heard DSP feedback that you’d like a way to proactively request the
paw print icon added to the ‘Delivery Notes’ if your DAs make us aware of a dog being present at a given stop. Historically, your DAs have been required to pause their day and contact Driver Support to have the paw print icon added. Now, to help your drivers be more prepared for a potential pet engagement at a delivery location, we have updated the On-Road Defects Program to enable you and your teams to add the paw print icon at locations where dogs are present on behalf of your DAs. You can do so by using the existing submission form, providing a stop number or tracking ID from your DA, selecting ‘Address Defect’, and selecting ‘Add a paw print at this location’. Once we receive your submission, we will add a paw print icon at that location and send you a confirmation it has been added within 7 business days.
We hope this new in-scope Defect through the
On-Road Defects Program improves your DAs’ on-road experience and helps them prioritize their safety if they encounter a pet on their routes. Your teams’ help in proactively identifying locations with pets will not only support the DA who reports them, but any DA that visits that address in the future. As a reminder, please continue to reference the Pet Engagement Guide for appropriate pet engagement guidelines and procedures and contact the Last Mile Emergency Team (LMET) via the ‘Emergency Help’ button or at (844) 311-0406 if an
incident like a dog bite has occurred.
7. Did you know that your responses to the “Your Voice Matters” questionnaire you receive in the Delivery App help us make changes on your behalf? Your anonymous feedback helps Amazon understand the improvements we can make for you around safety, workload, and station support and engagement. Amazon is always looking for ways they can improve and promote a positive experience as you deliver – so keep the feedback coming!
8. Did you know that you can use the
pre-populated text message/push notification built into the Delivery App to let the customer know you’re arriving, and ask that their dog be put away? Check out this feature if you haven’t already, in addition to looking for the paw print icon, which will be present if we’re aware of a dog at that stop. Remember, no delivery is worth compromising your safety.